"Let nothing be wasted." These are the words of Jesus to His disciples as they gathered up the leftover pieces of bread and fish after feeding more 5000 men. I believe these are the words of Jesus to us today!
Each of us has knowledge, and skills and abilities that others require. The nurse is here to comfort and care for the sick. The waitress is here to serve her patrons. The farmer is here to grow food to feed the populace. The trucker is here to deliver the food to the table and on and on it goes. The world is not as good as it could be if you and I don't use all that God has given us.
Just this week, we had some computer difficulties that are beyond our scope of expertise. We didn't know what to do or where to turn. We were speaking at Calvary Chapel Kansas City and I asked a gentleman if they had anyone in the church family that understood computers and websites. Before the day was over we met two men who have agreed to help us get back on track. Our problems are major to us but minor to them...we're delighted that they aren't letting their gifts lie dormant.
Share your knowledge. Use your talents. Somebody needs you. "Let nothing be wasted."