Our nation is composed of over 300 million people and yet we seldom take the time to have a discussion with someone we don't know.
I've found out it really isn't that difficult to start a conversation with someone. You just pretend your're a five year old and you ask a question: "Whatcha doin?" "Where ya goin?" "Have you always lived here?" "Do you really LIKE Grits? People love to tell you stuff about themselves. The truth is we're all looking for someone to take an interest in us; to listen to us. "
Another way to get in touch with the blessings around us is to help them... approach us. Let them ask the questions. Do something that will get them to notice you (walking across America in 1st century attire works for me but you may want to try something a little less obvious). Be prepared for the question and let your answer lead you to ask them a question.

For instance, people ask me what I'm doing. My standard reply is "I'm praying for America; the land and the people...the crops and the livestock. Is there anything I can pray for you about? That generally opens the floodgates of the soul and we connect at a level deeper than just sports, weather and reality shows.
I have been an outlet for the emotions of people in several different arenas of life. I like to think I have blessed these people by listening and praying with them. I always want them to know that they have been a blessing to me because they honored me with a sacred piece of their life.
Yvonne was in tears because she and her sister had a terrible argument. Jake was torn apart because he feared he might lose custody of his two sons. Eduardo's dad worried about his son's low blood count. Unemployment woes. Legal battles over land rights. Broken relationships over how to divide an inheritance. Fear of disease, debt and death. Fear of.....just about anything you can imagine!
Fear grips people and although we may not be able to cure each others fears...through the power of Christ within us, we can release the paralyzing grip of fear and bolster each other's faith!
You and I are created to be a blessing. Let's not be subtle about it!