Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aaargh! Technology!

It's been months and for whatever reason I could not access Blogger nor could I get anyone to respond to me in a manner I could understand. Now I don't know if it's all my fault or partly theirs but it has been frustrating. That being said....I'm back to the wonderful world of blogging!


For the last eighteen months Lucy and I have been on the road, doing a walk across America for CHRIST. We completed our journey on Saturday, January 8th. We walked route 27, moved over to route 997 and took our final steps at mile marker 30 in the Everglades and not a soul in sight.

CNN didn't send a reporter. Oprah didn't invite us for an interview and we didn't get an offer to do a reality show! BUT...behold underlying truth... when we did what He asked us to do, not understanding a bit of it...we believe we saw God smile.

Old Testament Scripture tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). The Hebrew word shama means to "hear, listen and obey." Notice it didn't say we had to understand what we were doing. Jesus tells us (in Luke 6:46-48) that if we will come to Him, listen to what He says and do what He tells storm will prevail against us. Storms may come but they do not win!

So....What is God asking you to do? Is He telling you to go? Or... Are you suppose to stay and share His love with your family? Are you to go into full time ministry? Or....share the knowledge of Christ in the marketplace?

If you're not sure what God is saying, welcome to the club! Just do the best you can to move forward. Take a baby step of faith and practice listening for His voice and obeying as best you can. He's not seeking perfection. He is Perfection!

Father God is simply looking for a listening ear, a willing heart and an obedient spirit...He's looking for you!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Be Not So Subtle

Sometimes blessings are so subtle, we miss them. You and I are surrounded by blessings everyday. They're called people!

Our nation is composed of over 300 million people and yet we seldom take the time to have a discussion with someone we don't know.

I've found out it really isn't that difficult to start a conversation with someone. You just pretend your're a five year old and you ask a question: "Whatcha doin?" "Where ya goin?" "Have you always lived here?" "Do you really LIKE Grits? People love to tell you stuff about themselves. The truth is we're all looking for someone to take an interest in us; to listen to us. "

Another way to get in touch with the blessings around us is to help them... approach us. Let them ask the questions. Do something that will get them to notice you (walking across America in 1st century attire works for me but you may want to try something a little less obvious). Be prepared for the question and let your answer lead you to ask them a question.

For instance, people ask me what I'm doing. My standard reply is "I'm praying for America; the land and the people...the crops and the livestock. Is there anything I can pray for you about? That generally opens the floodgates of the soul and we connect at a level deeper than just sports, weather and reality shows.

I have been an outlet for the emotions of people in several different arenas of life. I like to think I have blessed these people by listening and praying with them. I always want them to know that they have been a blessing to me because they honored me with a sacred piece of their life.

Yvonne was in tears because she and her sister had a terrible argument. Jake was torn apart because he feared he might lose custody of his two sons. Eduardo's dad worried about his son's low blood count. Unemployment woes. Legal battles over land rights. Broken relationships over how to divide an inheritance. Fear of disease, debt and death. Fear of.....just about anything you can imagine!

Fear grips people and although we may not be able to cure each others fears...through the power of Christ within us, we can release the paralyzing grip of fear and bolster each other's faith!

You and I are created to be a blessing. Let's not be subtle about it!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

24 Dogs and a Dead Alligator

They call this low country but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it's the southern side of South Carolina. Dogs run free here in packs of four and five. They're strays and no one cares for them, at least that's what Miss Linda from the local newspaper said. She stopped to do a brief interview of a guy the townspeople were describing as Moses.

Walking through Fairfax, four dogs of various sizes and appetites spotted me strolling through town. They started to bark and yelp and make their way toward my leg bones when I decided I better cross the street. There wasn't enough traffic to slow them down until a gentleman in a pickup saw my plight. He slowed down, placing his truck between the dogs and their noon day lunch...that'd be me! He actually "escorted" me down main street. I felt like the mayor on fourth of July! I was tempted to smile and wave but I thought I'd better just concentrate on scurrying on down the road. When he determined I was in the clear, the kind driver sped up, waved and drove off. Unbeknownest to me, one of the dogs decided to make another run at me. He never saw the truck that hit him. Neither did I but Lucy, unfortunately, saw the whole thing happen.

That wasn't my only encounter with multiple mutts. Over the next three days, I encountered dogs in groups of two's and four's and five's. If you know of anyone who sells leashes, collars or pet sedatives, send'em on down to South Carolina...there's a market here!

On our first journey, I met a dog trainer who gave me some insight on seemingly aggressive canines. She said some were just territorial, they would make a lot of noise just to drive you off their domain and then be done with it. She said never be aggressive with a dog. Face them, stay calm and make yourself bigger. She told me to use my stick to hold them at bay but not to threaten. Generally, I face the animal, point the staff downward toward the dog and move it side to side....much like someone looking for water with a divining rod. All the while, I'm moving down the road sideways whispering "Blessed be the Name of Jesus." I got a lot of practice with my sidestep these past three days as I encountered two dozen of God's little (and not so little) darlings.

Dogs I'm kind of used to but the road I was on walking out of Allendale toward Sylvania, GA had swamps on either side of it. I knew they had alligators in Florida but did they have them this far north. I wondered what I would do if I saw an alligator. How fast do they move? Could I outrun it? I pictured myself heroically subduing the reptile with with trusty staff and right in the middle of my day dreams, I glanced over to my left and saw an alligator on the lane next to me. Thump! Thump! Thump! Be still my heart...I took a closer look and thankfully it was dead. I don't know what he would have done with me if he was alive but I know this...even dead he quickened my step and improved my prayer life! "Blessed be the Name of Jesus!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Friendship Addiction

Drugs and alcohol. We hear about them so much, the damage they do to human lives doesn't even seem to register on our "I care meter." Today I met a gentleman who is addicted. He was trembling as I held his hand and prayed. When I asked him if he had ever tried to quit, he said he had, but then he "slipped back."

God directed me to ask him if after he had gotten clean, if someone had offered him a taste. He said they had and it was then I began to see the drug problem through a different set of lenses. The words that came out of my mouth had nothing to do with giving up drugs or even giving your life to Christ but it did have something to do with giving!

I started to talk with James about giving his "friends" the boot! He had the power to stop using. He had proven that. Now he had to "withdraw" from his associations. The people he hung around with...they were his real addiction. He had to quit them or they would kill him in the name of friendship and the brotherhood.

As I spoke to him, he listened, he smiled shyly and his eyes brighten a bit. He began to understand something that he never saw before. If you hang around with thieves, you're likely to steal rather than get a job. Hang around with drunks and drug addicts, you're likely to drink, snort and smoke and then push the stuff on others to pay your own pusher. But...if you will change who you associate with, then you change! Hang around with honorable men and you're likely to become honorable. Surround yourself with Godly men and your own Godliness will begin to shine.

Did what I say make a difference? Whether it did or didn't, it needed to be said. But more is and I need to pray for James and anyone we know that may be like him. People are coerced and pressured into doing things that are harmful to themselves and to their families for a momentary high. Why do they do it? For acceptance to begin with. Then they isolate themselves within a small group of users. They have no one to tell them they are valuable children of God and they begin to crave, not just the drugs but the deceptive words that counterfeit family; "We're family, Bro." "I got your back." "It's just you and me against THEM."

Lord God, there is a spider web in our society that catches the unwary. It shows itself like a glittering diamond necklace in the moonlight but it is dangerous to those it ensnares. It is full of deception. Drug and alcohol addiction steals the hopes and dreams of Your children. We ask You, Father, to help each of us encourage those around us. We do not know who is on the fringe of falling into this deadly trap. Give us boldness to speak love and hope into friends, family and strangers alike, for all are Your children. Protect us, O God, and our families from being lured into this life ourselves.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Two days of rain thanks to Tropical Storm Nichole and then two days of brilliant sunshine and mild temperatures! We're in beautiful North Carolina and each hour of walking seems to bring the nicest people my way.

Miss Elizabeth is an artist/journalist who is working to help the flood victims of Pakistan. She told me the Pakistani people are filled with fear because of terrorists and lack, yet the fabric of
their family remains very strong and close knit. We talked about how in America, it seems the family is fragmented as we struggle
amidst our abundance. The fear in Pakistan draws the family closer in an effort to survive. In America survival is taken for granted and yet the distractions of our wealth and independence often divide us. The difference between the two cultures does not exist in the people themselves but in the outside circumstances and our fearful reactions to them.

Lynn is a young man who is not trying to solve global issues. He is more concerned with the ''invisible" people around the corner. There's a family that has been living in an abandoned house for the past two years. They have no transportation, no "real" address and so, no job. No job means no money which translates to no food, no heat in the winter, no air conditioning in the summer and literally no existence in the community. He "stumbled'' across them, recognized the problem and God touched his heart to do something about it. Lynn has enlisted the help of a few loving folks to, not just donate money, but learn how to work the system and use the resources available to help these folks get re-established. Lynn inspired me. I heard God whisper "Go and do likewise."

Janese and Leslie drove by our parked RV and "just had to stop." We must have talked with them for an hour! They were delightful. Saved through the ministry of Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel), acquainted with the House of Prayer in Kansas City, we listened to worship music with them and found we had a lot in common.

Adam raises horses and he and his wife Mary were on the way home when their curiosity stopped them. Although our conversation was brief, we got a picture together, became friends on Facebook and plan to stay in touch.

Marcus & Dustin are a couple of twenty-something guys who had passed us early in the day. They couldn't stop because they were on their way to a Baptism. Dustin prayed that God would let our paths cross again and so it was. Lucy had pulled into a parking lot, I had finished up for the day and was changing into my 21st century clothes when they came by. Lucyah talked to them for awhile and then once I got presentable, I went outside to meet them. They seem to be intrigued by what we were doing and I was pleased to meet two such young, respectful men of God.

Americans are like diamonds...each in a unique and beautiful setting, each with a different dimension and each extremely valuable.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Story Stops the Glory

We were getting out of the RV when we saw her approaching from the back of the vehicle. For a moment, I thought about going around the front to avoid talking with her. "Why?" I thought. We're out here to talk to people not walk away from them! So we turned toward her and said, "Hello" and wonders of wonders...she said "Hello" back! And so a conversation began and before long we had a new friend. We asked Meredith if there was anything we could pray for her about and she said she wanted to receive her Prayer Language.

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the term...prayer language refers to speaking in tongues. It's an utterance that may be indistinguishable to anyone except you and God. Some Christians practice it, others dismiss it and still others are a bit afraid of it. But right there in the parking lot, we joined hands and prayed. It was a beautiful experience as we all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. We said our good-byes and Meredith strolled home with the name of Jesus on her lips.

As we walked across the parking lot toward Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies, we saw a man getting out of a motorized cart attached to shopping basket. He seemed to be struggling making the transition from the cart to the car even though his wife was helping him. I wanted to stop and pray with and for him...but I didn't. As we continued to the store, I thought "I should go back and pray with that man." Lucy looked at me and said, "Do you want to go back?" "No," I replied. I was feeling foolish.

A day or two later I talked to God and then Lucy about what happened. trying to figure out why I didn't stop and bless that man. I have met all kinds of people on the road and speaking with them has never been a problem. We approach each other, we talk, share and pray. Why was this different? Lucy laid it out in simple terms and the Holy Spirit convicted me of the truth of her words.

"You gave yourself time to make up a story. You said something to yourself like... 'He's going to tell me to mind my own business.' or 'He'll yell something like...I don't need your @#%* prayers!' Many times, we write, produce and direct a Hollywood movie in two seconds or less. Then after we've written the story...we believe it! God gives us a chance to be a blessing and then we do our edit and the next thing we know...our story stops the opportunity to show God's glory." Lucyah sat quietly as her words pierced both my mind and my spirit.

How many times, Lord? How many times have I passed up an opportunity to acknowledge You and be a blessing? How many times have I passed up a Divine opening to let Your healing power or Your Words of encouragement flow through me because of a story I made up out of fear? How many times have I let my story stop Your Glory?

Forgive me, Lord, but more than me fear no more.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


These last few weeks have been....interesting. People of every personality type and background stopped to walk and talk with us.

Crystal took her car into the shop and decided not to wait for the bus. She started to walk home and saw me up ahead. As she got closer, she wasn't sure she wanted to pass me, talk to me or just linger behind. Finally she took a deep breath, stepped up her pace, came along side of me and said "Good morning." We struck up a friendship right off the bat. She had stories to tell and I had time to listen. Over the next hour I discovered she was a Christ follower, a retired high school teacher and a person with lots of energy and a positive attitude. When we finally arrived at the place where she had to turn, we both felt bad. Neither one of us wanted to say good-bye.

It's an unusual church and then again it's not. It does things in a unique fashion but it loves people just like Southwest Community back in Olathe, KS. The ROC (Richmond Outreach Center) looks like a shopping center on the outside and a convention center on the inside. Its focus on people who have had issues with drugs, alcohol and the law. You see a lot of people with tattoos, piercings and black leather here. The ROC has a launder-mat, a thrift shop, a computer lab, a free medical clinic because people re-starting their life need a hand up with practical things.The man that took the time to tell us about The ROC and show us around is affectionately called "Doc." He retired from the military as a physician's assistant and now gives his time and talents to Christ through the ministry. Besides being a man of skills, Doc is the most excited person I have ever met. He bubbles over with the joy of Christ! They purposefully keep him away from the coffee pot. They're afraid the caffeine will put him in orbit! Just being in his presence, lifted our love level ten degrees! Doc at the The Roc...if you ever get to Richmond, look him up but watch out...he's a hugger!

Jake was worried and when he saw me he felt that God wanted him to stop. He has a court date coming up and he doesn't want to lose his kids. He is in the midst of an messy divorce...are there any other kind? He knows Christ but has a hard time putting his cares into the Master's hands and leaving them there. (Sound familiar?) He was seeking an answer when he saw me walking down the road. We spoke for nearly an hour and then we prayed together. Joint custody was all he asked for but we asked God that regardless of how much time Jake spent with his children that he would always be a father that exemplified integrity, strength, courage and love. AND no matter how tempted he might be....never say anything bad about their mom!

I had only walked 6 miles when a old rustyVW bus pulled up and a man that could have been Jack Nicholson's twin got out. He came around and opened the side door and said, "I've come to get you." Well, he got my attention but I wasn't going to get into the bus! He explained that a friend of his had seen me but was on his way to oral surgery and couldn't stop and so he had sent his friend to "get me" so he could talk with me. Just then, Lucy pulled up across the street. "Jack" asked us back to his house and so I said to Lucy,"Are you up for an adventure?" "Sure," she replied and off we went following someone we didn't know to a place we didn't know. You always need a certain amount of discernment when you make these kind of blind decisions but remember when Jesus was asked to come...he did.

As it turned out his friend thought I was Buddhist monk. I guess he didn't notice the cross I wear. This particular gentleman followed a religion called Sufism. He said he believed in the divinity of Christ but also believes there are many paths to God. Other people joined us that evening. Jack commented that drugs enhanced the spiritual experience and soon the atmosphere quickly turned to alcohol and pot and so we left. It was sad to see people who are lost and want to philosophize as they get high but won't listen to the Truth even though they invited one of His ambassadors in.

Melissa's tee-shirt had a picture of a pit bull and when I asked her about it, she told me she was an animal rights activist. The Pit Bull on her shirt had been set on fire! She went on to tell me tales of how horribly some of these animals are treated and as she spoke I could see the tenderness of her heart. As terrible as some humans treat animals and other humans, we must remember they are a twisted minority. There are many good and loving people like Melissa who do more than just care...they get involved. As human beings, God has created us to be stewards of this world; the land, the people and the animals.

Avarett is a man I would love to hang out with; he's an original. He's in his mid fifties, never had a television and never used a remote control! He's the editor of the local paper. He is a thinker and has opinions on just about every issue. I agree with some and probably disagree with a few but he'd be fun to argue with because he makes you think! Some folks had called him to tell him "Moses" was walking through town and so he met Lucyah and I on route 360 just outside of Keyesville. We spent about an hour together before he had to leave. He was covering a political fundraiser that evening. It wasn't too much later, Lucy got a call. It was Avarett inviting us to dinner...but he wasn't going to be there! (I told you he was an original.) His wife Susan was delightful and we got to have dinner with the whole family. We even parked our RV in their front yard! Wonderful evening!