Saturday, March 19, 2011

Aaargh! Technology!

It's been months and for whatever reason I could not access Blogger nor could I get anyone to respond to me in a manner I could understand. Now I don't know if it's all my fault or partly theirs but it has been frustrating. That being said....I'm back to the wonderful world of blogging!


For the last eighteen months Lucy and I have been on the road, doing a walk across America for CHRIST. We completed our journey on Saturday, January 8th. We walked route 27, moved over to route 997 and took our final steps at mile marker 30 in the Everglades and not a soul in sight.

CNN didn't send a reporter. Oprah didn't invite us for an interview and we didn't get an offer to do a reality show! BUT...behold underlying truth... when we did what He asked us to do, not understanding a bit of it...we believe we saw God smile.

Old Testament Scripture tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). The Hebrew word shama means to "hear, listen and obey." Notice it didn't say we had to understand what we were doing. Jesus tells us (in Luke 6:46-48) that if we will come to Him, listen to what He says and do what He tells storm will prevail against us. Storms may come but they do not win!

So....What is God asking you to do? Is He telling you to go? Or... Are you suppose to stay and share His love with your family? Are you to go into full time ministry? Or....share the knowledge of Christ in the marketplace?

If you're not sure what God is saying, welcome to the club! Just do the best you can to move forward. Take a baby step of faith and practice listening for His voice and obeying as best you can. He's not seeking perfection. He is Perfection!

Father God is simply looking for a listening ear, a willing heart and an obedient spirit...He's looking for you!

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