Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Three Weeks On The Road

America is a wonderful nation and we enjoy our opportunities to serve the Lord as we visit different corners of the country. These last three weeks we had the opportunity to share the story of Zacchaeus at Yorba Linda United Methodist Church and then head up to Big Big Bear UMC to share The Boy, the Loaves & the Fishes.

So many good people happened to us along the way....yes, I said people, not things! The American people are so good and gracious and yet we always end up talking about what they do instead of appreciating the individual for who they are.

Before, after and in between presentations, people gave us their greatest gift...time! The hospitality extended to us was overwhelming. People love to give. It was so good to talk with folks about their lives; learning about the challenges they face, the dreams they pursue, and what's going on right now! Despite the recent talk of gloom and doom across America, we found people pressing forward as best they could and trusting their God.

There were some tearful times. Long time missionary Chris Wright went Home to be with the Lord shortly after we left Kansas and when we arrived in California, a beautiful young man named Jeff Baskerville also was called Home unexpectedly. As difficult as it is to say good-bye, as Christians, we are consoled that there will be a time when we will say hello again.

As a part of our travels, we took part in the Glorieta Christian Writers' Conference put on by C.L.A.S.S. We were privileged to lead Friday's morning devotional time. Do yourself a favor and put this annual October event on your calendar if you want to improve communicating with people on any level. You get one on one access to agents, writers, ghostwriters, publishers, editors, marketing professionals, web and blogging experts and all at a very reasonable cost.

An interesting thing happened in Glorieta, New Mexico...Lucy received a call at about 1:45am from a person wrestling with a problem. We went on a ministry trip to Texas back in April and six months later this young lady needed a friend to talk with. Now of all the people in her circle of influence (family, friends, neighbors, schoolmates) to call, she chose Lucy. It is at times like this that we feel highly honored by God. We seek to love and encourage people and sometimes wonder if we make a positive difference and then we get a call that shows us that God is using us.

God is using you too! You may not know how important you are in another's life but your words matter, your hugs matter, your listening matters. Love and encourage as best you can and don't worry if you don't see any immediate results. When you plant a seed, it takes time for the flower to blossom....Scripture says one person plants, another waters and God gives the increase.

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