Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cloud by Day; Fire by Night

Faith and fear always seem to butt heads.

In less than three months, we will begin our third 3300 mile walk across America for Christ and I know that God, through the goodness of someone, is going to get us a motorhome to house us and our ministry supplies. Faith!

Only 79 days to go and we don't have the RV yet. Maybe God doesn't want us to go this time. Maybe I made it all up in my head. I'm such an idiot. Fear!

"My God supplies all my needs through Christ who strenghtens me." We are going to encourage so many people to use their gifts on this trip. God is using our willingness to touch lives for His Son. Faith!

My wife trusts me and she is willing to leave home, sell her posssessions and go on the road for Christ because she thinks I'm a Godly man. Oh! I hope she never finds out how afraid I get. I don't want to ever let her down. Fear!

These struggles come and go. Even though the Bible tells me that "perfect Love cast out fear" and I know that Jesus Christ is Perfect Love and I have Christ within so I shouldn't have fear....sometimes...I fear.

The other morning I was in the prayer room ( talking to God about this Faith/fear struggle and I felt He spoke to my spirit.

"Why do you put so much pressure on yourself, Nicholas? Remember when Israelites followed me? Cloud by day, fire by night. Don't worry about beginning this journey on a certain day. The starting day is not for you to establish. Just listen for me. Watch for me. This is a journey that will occur. I will provide for you as I always have. You have been chosen for this. Fear Not. Watch. Listen. Cloud by day; fire by night."

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