Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Climb From The Valley

Everything in the world has a rhythm to it. The stock market falls and then recovers. The tide rolls out only to return again. The leaves whither in the winter and then blossom again in the spring.

These last five months we felt like we fell, rolled and whithered. We went from debt free to $39,000 stuck in a matter of 150 days and didn't even get to blow the money in a fun way. No trips to Tahiti, no fancy cars, not even a new toothbrush! Life happened (if you want the gory details of it all, you can peruse past posts in this blog). Did we get frustrated....you bet! But we understood that like the rest of the world...we got rhythm!

The best part about being in the valley is that once you decide to move (that's the tough part) the only way to go is up! Alleluia! We've begun our climb from the valley! Nothing has changed in the natural. The debt is still there. The RV is not roadworthy yet. Our income is not yet at a place where we need it to be but...we have hope; a confident expectation that God is doing something good in our life today!

We have been blessed with people that are praying for us, encouraging us and using their mind and their muscle to help us get our RV ready for the 3300 mile walk across America for Christ. Whether you are in Christian ministry or not, there are times when you need more than someone's money, there are times when you need to know someone cares enough to roll up there sleeves and help you do what you cannot do on your own. Oh, we are so blessed.

The climb is going to be tough but so what! We' may have to do some things that are going to make us uncomfortable but who cares! We're on the grow, the valley is behind us and we're moving forward! We hear the music of the Holy Spirit in our life. Lucy is tapping her foot, I'm humming and Jesus is providing the harmony. Yes, Sir! We got rhythm!

1 comment:

Chris "can't miss" D. said...

We're on the GROW!!! I love it.