Friday, January 15, 2010

Family Reunion

She was on her way to work at the hospital in Livingston when she saw a man walking against traffic blessing people with his staff as they passed him by. Lois thought to herself, "What am I supposed to do with that, Lord?" The Holy Spirit nudged her, she turned her pickup around, looked for the little guy and stopped her truck as he approached her. She singled with her outstretched index finger and mouthed "Just a minute."

Lois wasn't much bigger than I and when she spoke to me she got a little closer to my face than I generally consider comfortable. "You're blessing the oncoming traffic."

"Yes, I am" I replied.

"I don't know why but I was compelled to turn around and talk with you," she said.

I started to speak and when I opened my mouth words came out that I hadn't planned to say. "I know exactly why you came back, Lois. God wants to talk to you. He wants you to know He loves you. Your life matters. You are His daughter and He is proud of you."

Her eyes started to fill with tears. "I needed to know that." Oh, Lois, I thought, we all need to know that. We talked for a bit. I gave her a DVD of Zacchaeus asking her to make sure she would watch it with a friend. "Listen to what God is saying to you through this story." I opened my arms up and she walked into my embrace crying. She hugged me firmly and for a long time. I wondered what the passing drivers were thinking. We looked liked a couple of long lost family members being re-united...well, that's exactly what we were!

As Lois left to go to work, I wondered if she would tell any of her co-workers about her encounter this morning?....would she share with her family or keep this to herself?....would she remember this day and how God spoke to her through a little man she would never likely see again? Most of all I wondered....will she remember that God values her?

I felt my spirit smile as God whispered "She will share this day with others and each time, she will remember."

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