He has a sweeping business (Wal-Marts and the like), loves his i-Phone and sings in the choir at Easthaven Baptist Church in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Dee Dee is a friendly guy. We knew him for about a minute and half when he invited us to join him for lunch at a potluck that the choir was putting on. Never ones to pass up food, we were quick to say "Thank you" and grab a chicken leg.
As we gabbed a bit between bites, I learned that his dad was a preacher but once Dee Dee turned 18, he decided he had enough of church and like many of us....well, at least me...he turned to the world and the highly touted "good times." As it turned out, times weren't so good. Alcohol, drugs and poor choices generally bring the spirit of stupid upon us and with it comes heartache, sorrow and regret.
It took a number of years for him to shake that ol' spirit but one day he agreed to go to church with a friend. Conviction set in, forgiveness took hold and it wasn't long before he turned full circle and was baptized. Shortly after that he found himself in the choir!
I asked him what made him join the choir? He told me he asked God that same question for over two years. Finally God answered him..."It's so people can see what I am able to do even with the likes of you...Dee Dee, you are my vessel of grace."
Each week Dee Dee stands nearly in the middle of the choir. He's a big man with long hair and a beard. If you put a guitar in his hands, he'd look like he'd be more at home in a rock band than a Baptist church. I imagine him as a lighthouse calling out to people...shining for the Lord and maybe even humming in his heart..."this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine...let shine...let it shine." And the vessels come...and they too become full of grace.
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