Wednesday, July 7, 2010

They Can't Hear What We Don't Say

For nearly ten years now, I thought we had traveled across America doing Biblical presentations.

The other day Lucy informed me otherwise! "We don't do presentations, Nick. We do first century testimonies." "What's the difference?" I asked.

A presentation, she explained, is just a re-enactment but a testimony is a statement based on personal experience or personal knowledge. "You don't memorize your characters lines like an actor does, you remember the life you lived as them. When a person in the audience needs an encounter with Christ and sees Zacchaeus was accepted despite his lifestyle, they have hope. They realize that what God did for the tax collector, He can and will do for them."

At first, I thought it was just a manner of semantics but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Lucy was right. Testimonies, given on the stage or on the street, fill people with hope. We all know God can do wondrous things, we're not sure, however, He will do them for us. Testimonies, yours and mine, build the faith of others. Scripture (Romans 10:17) tells us that "faith comes by hearing." No none can hear if we don't share. We don't have to be eloquent. We don't need to be seminary trained...we just have to be willing.

Your life matters. Share what God has done in your life. Give someone hope.

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