After being overcome by propane fumes, we slept on the altar of the church, got up in the morning and put in a call to Pastor Harold at our home church in Olathe, KS and asked him for prayer. We then called our friends George & Brenda Shafer in Bixby, OK . I said "Hi, Pastor! You said if we ever needed a place to stay to call you...well, here we are!" They opened their home to us, listened to our tales of woe and loved us.
For the next few days we just sat, talked to God and our friends and wondered what was going to happen. Sunday afternoon Pastor Harold called to inform us that they found an RV that might work for us. He gave us a link to check it out. He and his elders were physically looking it over as I pulled it up on my computer. I noticed the price was $20,000 and gulped. The pastor said, "We're going to get it for you. How soon can you be back in Kansas?"
"We are going to be radio guests on 'Good News Behind the News' in Okmulgee Tuesday morning so we could be in Olathe by Wednesday I suppose." I hung up the phone stunned. Lucy said she had to lie down. I put on my jacket and went outside to take a walk (hey, it's what I do!)
As I looked over the farm lands and into the vast blue sky, I felt the heart of David... who am I, O God, that You would be mindful of me. I thought maybe I had been dreaming and so I called

The church felt they needed to stay within a budget of $10,000 but couldn't find a RV in good condition for that price. Pastor Harold started to look in a higher price range when he came across an ad for this vehicle at $20,000. When he called the owner, the owner said he had sold this unit two years ago!
The pastor apologized for bothering him and then the man told him he sold it to one of his neighbors and that the fellow didn't use it very often; perhaps the neighbor would be interested in selling it. He gave the pastor the gentleman's number and the call was made.
We arrived back in Olathe on Wednesday, entered the driveway and pulled the old RV(1977) nose to nose with the newer model (1994). . Lucy took out her camera and we saw what we should have known all along; Christ is in the center of our lives.
There's more blessings to tell....will write more tomorrow
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