As many know, our plans have gone awry and our timetable has been overturned. Every once in awhile I feel the joy leaking out of my spirit but then God sends someone like Bill along to remind me of God's goodness to Lucyah and I. Yesterday was a prime example.
"Captain" Arnold has been working his buns off trying to get the water pump to empty our tank. The hours he has put in the on the RV has saved us thousands of dollars! In the afternoon, Bob & Ginger Leavitt drove about fifty miles to see if they could help. After emptying the water tank through some "Marine" ingenuity, Bob was able to locate the problem (a clogged filter...looks like a cigar in the photo below)) and together he and Arnold put the tank back in. Water is flowing freely from the faucets and shower. Next on Arnold's "fix-it" agenda is our door. The lower inside section is rotted out and needs to be replaced.
The effort, teamwork and love of so many people is like caulking to my spirit. It prevents joy from leaking out. I look at these people and I see the Hands of God at work and I am filled with joy once again!
Lord, we speak blessing into every life that has helped us, supported us or prayed for us. We speak increase and favor on every hand that has reached out to us. Please help them to understand, Lord, that they are important, that You are using them and that their life is pleasing to You....and, Lord, don't let anything steal their joy!
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