I remember as a kid sharing a phone line with the neighbors. The phone would ring in four houses at the same time. Each family had the same number but a different ring to let them if the call was for them or not. Today we can share messages, pictures and videos around the world in a matter of minutes and direct to one person or a million. WOW!
It's been great to share our RV adventures (the good, the bad and the ugly) with you. For me it has been a testimony of the goodness of people. Sometimes we don't know how good folks can be until we have a hurt or a need. In this ocean of generosity called America, we have experienced more hugs, smiles and love than CNN has viewers! We have experienced kindness, not just in the Midwest, but throughout these United States...literally from sea to shining sea!
The American people, work, give, help, support and pray to help each other and others everyday. We see it happening everywhere we go. God is the thread of goodness that runs through this nation. That's why we're united and that's why we stand!
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