Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Day on the Road

Cameron was on his way from his dad's in Dallas to the Dakota's. He said it would have bothered for the whole drive if he didn't stop and find out what I was doing. I had to's working!

I do...what I like to call responsive evangelism. I create a situation that causes people to think and ask a question like..."What in the world is he doing?" "Why is he dressed like that" "Who is that guy?" Then all I have to do is respond! When they stop to ask, I tell them "I'm doing a 3300 mile walk for CHRIST and I get to talk to them about God. Imagine that! Talking to a stranger about God within the first few seconds of meeting them!

Even if they don't stop, the questions stimulate the car or truck or when they get home. I imagine Charley walking in the kitchen saying, "Honey, you'll never guess what I saw today?"

Some will think I am crazy. Some think I am religious. Others think I am a holy man but they all know by my attire, it has something to do with God. We want God to be back in the thought life of America. It is God who blessed our country and God who made the United States a land of free and brave people.

Everybody notices when you take a stand for your values. Clay Mitchell pulled his 18 wheeler over this afternoon. He turned off the engine, got out of the cab and started walking toward me. As I approached, he stopped, folded his arms in front of his chest and widened his stance. "My, My" I thought, "Another adventure with God."

It is my custom when I walk down the street to make the sign of the cross and bless people as they drive by. You've heard of drive by shootings...well, this is a "Drive by Blessing! Clay said that when I blessed him he felt a touch of God. He stopped to give me a gift...two small bottles of anointed anointing oil. He also gave me some country gospel songs that his wife Marsha had recorded. He told me he went to church one day and liked it so much he married the preacher!

Left McAlester, Oklahoma this morning and walked 13.9 miles and God blessed me with two new friends. Sometimes you wonder if your life makes a difference....well, these two made my day a whole lot brighter!


Unknown said...

My husband told me about meeting you. He was all excited about the man walking for Jesus. A wonderful chance encounter? I doubt it. I have lived long enough to know God has a big plan and there are no coincidences. Anyway, my husband Clay was blessed and I pray you are too. May all you set your hand to do for our Lord prosper In Jesus Name.


Prophetic1Paul said...

Amen! to Wednesday & Tuesday postings.