As cars passed by, people noticed me just standing there. Some gawked, some waved, some honked and it dawned on me that sometimes we don't have do anything...just stand our ground.
They could tell I was dressed in Biblical attire. They saw the cross around my neck. If I just took my two square feet for God, the Holy Spirit would do the rest. He would make them think, to examine themselves, to question. He would lead them to The Answer.
God tells us in 2 Chronicles 20:17 to ...."stand firm, hold your position and see the salvation of the Lord." In Galations 5:1, we 're told we are free and to stand firm. I Cor 16:13 tells us to "stand firm in the faith." When we hold our position as followers of Jesus Christ, when we acknowledge Christ by our stand, The Father will honor our obedience and bless our land and our people.
We are all called to go and share the Gospel and sometime that speaks the loudest when we simply stand firm in our values.
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