He pulled on to the side of the road...."Do you need some money?" "No,I'm fine," I replied. "So you got all the money you need?" "I'm fine but I do have something for you." With that I gave Hobson a DVD of Zacchaeus. After that we had a short but pleasant time together. I liked him. He had a good heart...you could tell.
After we parted, I thought why is it that folks think people in any type of "street" ministry are broke or hurting financially? Now, Lucyah and I don't have a home, that's true. We don't have a stash of cash or a bulging retirement fund either but we have something better.
We have hope and hope is the positive expectation that God is doing something good in our life today! Now some people wonder why we turn down money offered to us. The answer is we don't always but sometimes God just puts it on our heart to say "No, thank you." It's not that we don't want the money. We just don't want folks to think that we're out here begging for money when we're really begging for them to accept God's love. Hobson insisted on giving me $20 before he left and gratefully, I took it.
God is our Provider. We know many wealthy people who do not contribute to our ministry. God hasn't touched their heart to support us. Many of them support other good ministries. They are still our friends. When someone donates to Christ's ministry through us, we know God touched their heart to do so. When we get an opportunity to speak and a love offering is taken, we know it's because the Holy Spirit touched the pastor.
Ministries, businesses, families and governments...all need money to function however, money is a by-product of loving, serving and building. God is the Source of all provision. He never leaves us, forsakes or fails us. With Him, we lack nothing!
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