Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 4th Day of The 22nd Year

Today, most Americans are celebrating the inauguration of the the first dark skinned president...African American...Negro...black person....whatever the correct term of the day is. The news media is talking about what a "historic day" it is, forgetting perhaps that every inauguration day is historic.

As for me, I'm celebrating the 4th day of the 22nd year of my marriage to the beautiful and lovely Lucyah (that's Lucy with an "aaah" at the end!) When you find a person who is willing to help you in the hard times, laugh with you in the good times, care about you all the time.... who does you good and not harm...then you've found diamond!

I've found mine and I pray that America has found hers in President Barack Obama!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The $3535.20 Granola Bar!

The New Year is always a time to make resolutions and I enjoy making them and seeing how long they last before I relapse into my old ways.

I made many of my usual pledges...lose weight, eat healthy, drink more water, exercise, spend less, save more and be more productive. I'm pleased to say that six of the seven are still alive and well. Number two, however, is a bit shaky after taking a shot to the jaw that rattled my teeth....literally!

I began 2009 researching how much protein, fiber and fat should be in my diet. With budget in hand, I navigated my cart around the grocery store carefully selecting low sugar, high protein items; checking for low sodium and near zero fat content.

Within minutes, my cart was brimming with yogurt, Silk, bananas, oatmeal, skinless chicken, broccoli, Eggbeaters and granola bars. The theory being if you filled the fridge with healthy stuff, you would be forced to eat healthy and thus...get healthy.

The next morning I began the day with a bowl of nutritious Mother Oats. After working on the computer for a few hours, I decided to have a mid-morning snack...a dark chocolate, raspberry granola bar made with whole grains to go with my 20 ounce bottle of water. Jack Lalaine, eat your heart out!

The first bite was amazing because it tasted great, not at all like the cardboard pate I had anticipated. The second bite made me feel good about my pledge toward healthier living. The third bite seemed a bit crunchy then the others but something told me not to swallow. That crunchier part was the caps on my two front teeth!

"Oh, GOD!" He's always my first call followed by my second..."Luuucy!" Lucy found a dentist and God made sure I got an appointment. The dentist took one look and said, "one tooth is broken off below the gum and has to come out. You need bridge." They took me in Friday morning and then out with the old in with the "temporary" new. The bill was over $3900.00 but since we don't have insurance, we got a 10% discount. Thank You, Lord.

Now I'm not against eating healthy but look at all the money I saved when I ate pizza and potato chips and french fries! Oh, I haven't given up on eating healthy, I just needed to vent!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cloud by Day; Fire by Night

Faith and fear always seem to butt heads.

In less than three months, we will begin our third 3300 mile walk across America for Christ and I know that God, through the goodness of someone, is going to get us a motorhome to house us and our ministry supplies. Faith!

Only 79 days to go and we don't have the RV yet. Maybe God doesn't want us to go this time. Maybe I made it all up in my head. I'm such an idiot. Fear!

"My God supplies all my needs through Christ who strenghtens me." We are going to encourage so many people to use their gifts on this trip. God is using our willingness to touch lives for His Son. Faith!

My wife trusts me and she is willing to leave home, sell her posssessions and go on the road for Christ because she thinks I'm a Godly man. Oh! I hope she never finds out how afraid I get. I don't want to ever let her down. Fear!

These struggles come and go. Even though the Bible tells me that "perfect Love cast out fear" and I know that Jesus Christ is Perfect Love and I have Christ within so I shouldn't have fear....sometimes...I fear.

The other morning I was in the prayer room (ihop.org) talking to God about this Faith/fear struggle and I felt He spoke to my spirit.

"Why do you put so much pressure on yourself, Nicholas? Remember when Israelites followed me? Cloud by day, fire by night. Don't worry about beginning this journey on a certain day. The starting day is not for you to establish. Just listen for me. Watch for me. This is a journey that will occur. I will provide for you as I always have. You have been chosen for this. Fear Not. Watch. Listen. Cloud by day; fire by night."