Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Meet Needs & Satisfy Desires Business

In early December, our van was totaled by a rogue reindeer. Insurane paid for a car rental for about a week but then we needed to go to Arkansas for three days and on to several other out of town commitments so we had to rent a car on our own dime. We turned the car back in to the rental agency at 9:00am Christmas Eve and at 2:30pm that afternoon, we were given a 1990 Dodge station wagon! "The Lord has done great things for us,and we are filled with joy!" (Psalm 126:3)

Only our God is in the "meet needs and satisfy desires" business! People are always helping us and God is always touching their heart to do so. We are so grateful for the goodness shown to us and we are delighted!

Philippians4:19 sez "And my God will fully supply your every need according to his glorious riches in the Messiah Jesus."

Psalm 103:2-5 lists God's benefit plan....better than any 401k matching plan around! No recession in God's economy! "Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

Christmas Eve Eve

No I'm not stuttering! It's Christmas Eve Eve...the day before the day before.

Well anyway it was a wonderful day! We got to visit Margaret in Overland Park, Kansas and although she is confined to a wheelchair for the moment due to an accident, we do believe 2009 is going to see her up and around. She has a smile, an energy and a personality that just can't be kept down! She does have one twisted quirk though...she keeps an almost unnaturally clean desk. As soon as she gets up and around, we're going to ask her to help find my desk!

Today was also the first day The Innkeeper of Bethlehem was aired on radio through Horizon Radio Network. It will air again on Christmas Eve at noon & 6:00pm (Central Time). The KSRD production staff did a great job of making us sound good and they are absolutley the best to work with! It was amazing to hear something that you wrote, perform and recorded on the air. It is heard anywhere there is a computer (just google KSRD) and it is also being broadcast through radio stations around the country. Lucy and I cried when it came on. To be used by God to touch people we have never met is almost too much to bear. We both miss our parents. They have gone home to be with the Lord. I guess anytime you do something good or worthwhile, you want Mom and Dad to see or hear it. That never changes no matter how old you get.

We also got a chance to share the Innkeeper and have dinner with a group of developmentally delayed adults. We so admire the people who care for these folks. Lucy and I were talking on the way home about how they...the cared for AND the caretakers...are the forgotten of our culture.

It was a wonderful day of blessing people, being blessed and watching people love each other

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh, Deer!

It was early Monday morning and we were traveling back from Kimberling City, MO and needed to be in Lee's Summit to speak at a Christian school at 8:30am and we would have made it too...if it hadn't been for Olive.

You don't hear much about Olive this time of year. Rudolph usually gets all the attention. Perhaps that's why she did it. She just needed the recognition.

I had just settled in for my winter's nap and Lucy was behind the wheel of our van when Olive and her two friends leaped out of the woods with malice aforethought and crashed into our van with a thundering BAM!

I'm sad to report she did not survive. May she rest in peace...not Olive...the van!

So you better watch out.

This Christmas...yes ...yes... you can sing to Rudolph

But watch out for .....Olive the other reindeer!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just After The Holiday...We Hear The Word

Here in Kansas City it made the headlines. They treated it like it was news. "It's official," it read, "we're in RECESSION!"

Now tell me what possible good that that piece of information did for us? It's not something we didn't know, so it's not educational. It didn't inspire us to be a better nation of people, so it's not motivational. It didn't improve our physical or mental health, so it's not medicinal. All it did was promote fear and that's just evil.

Now I'm not one for sticking my head in the sand when things start going bad. Denial never helps any situation but promoting negativity and fear is certainly not the answer!

Here's a suggestion: let's you and I begin to market and promote HOPE. Now that's a four letter word you can shout from the rooftops and never offend a soul regardless of their race, creed, culture, age, gender, ethnic or economical background.

What is HOPE you ask? Well the best definition I have ever heard is:

HOPE is the confident expectation that something good is about to happen

Now you and I will never change the media and the way it views the world or what it spews forth on television and in the newspapers BUT (Behold Underlying Truth) together we can offer HOPE.

Let's begin to expect good things to happen. Let's encourage others that for every valley of darkness, there is also a mountaintop of light.

Let's watch our language and speak the things we want, not the things we fear. In Proverbs 18:21 Solomon wrote that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I think old Solly had the right idea. Let's give it a try.