Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Taxes & Old Friends in Texas

Each year before January ends, we do taxes...for the ministry and for ourselves personally. It's a time when Lucy goes into high gear with our good friend/accountant Lori who graciously meets us wherever we are in the country. Lucy and Lori generally hibernate in a hotel room for three or four days and negotiate with Uncle Sam while I stand quietly by and answer a question or two when called upon by the ladies.

It's not a bad's just a business time; something you have to do but something that you're not keen about. It's also a time when I am not walking and that always makes me feel a little guilty...after all I'm suppose to be doing a Walk for Christ not sitting in a hotel room but.....taxes, even for a ministry, are a must!

After taking care of the responsibility of taxes comes a sense of relief. Aaah...that beautiful feeling of separation of the government and the people. We are released from obligation and free to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

Happiness came as an unexpected visit from our Goddaughter Jessica. She is lovely, smart, a joy to be around and single and no, we're not giving her phone number out! We got to spend an entire afternoon and evening with her and it wasn't enough! Did I mention she was a joy to be around?

The next day, we met up with a friend that we had made on our trip to Israel two years ago. If you had to define Ida Lou in one word, you couldn't! She is gracious, friendly, loving, stylish and recently she has been even called "spry." Personally I think she's way too young to fit into the "spry" category. We sat for several hours at her kitchen table enjoyed salad, soup, homemade pie and wonderful conversation.

Life is full...of obligations and of wonderful people. It's important to meet the obligations, doing them to the best of your ability. It's equally important to enjoy the people God has placed in your path; recognizing them for the beautiful creations they are and taking in their unique fragrance.

Taxes and's been a good week...:)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Divine Jealousy...A Good Thing!

Scripture tells us in Exodus 20:4-5..“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God.”

God! Jealous? I had always had a tough time understanding that verse. I got the part about not putting anything before God in importance. Don't worship money or power. Don't put your faith in man or possessions. I understood that. It was that jealousy part that kind of threw me.

God's jealousy, I began to understand is a zealous desire to preserve our relationship with Him
. He desires to hold us close, not out of a sense of possessing us, but out of a sense of protecting us. He knows the damage that evil can do. It infects us with disease. It contaminates our thinking with poverty. Evil seeks to kill us! God in His jealousy, says to darkness, "Not this one! My Son Jesus died for this one!

I thank God for His Divine's a good thing!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Living LARGE

So many celebrities, athletes, politicians and high profile business people tout the their successes and talk about "living large." They strut, flash their cash, go the most expensive restaurants,wear designer clothes, drive the fanciest cars and call it all the "good life." Material wealth; not bad when you have it. Tragic when it has you!

I do like the idea of "Living Large" though... provided we have our priorities right.
  • Love people as best you can by doing what is best...for them
  • Adore God as our Source of all goodness.
  • Respect God and His creation; man, animals and environment
  • Give generously of our time, talents and money whenever we have the opportunity
  • Encourage people today (Heb 3:13)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Change of Perspective

I am a spirit. I have a soul (mind, will & emotions). I live in a body.

So much of how we see things is physical and yet that is only part of who we are. Isaiah 58:7 tells us to "share our bread with the hungry" and we immediately think of giving canned good to the rescue missions. Yet in John 6:35 Jesus tells us He is "the Bread of Life." So many people are hungry for the Good Life. They think of parties, possessions and money. Often we agree with them.

Peter call us, the believers, "a royal priesthood." We are to be different than those who do not accept Jesus as Lord. We are to have a Godly perspective. Despite what you may think, if you call Jesus Christ your Lord and your are holy.

You and I are set apart to serve and the Bread we are serving will do more than fill their belly for a moment. Whoever eats this Bread will never go hungry and they will live forever!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Didn't Get An Oscar...But

A pickup truck stopped to see if I needed a ride. The young couple didn't seem to want to talk but I managed to give them a Zacchaeus DVD before they left. A few minutes later they stopped again to give me a bottle of water. I wondered what God was doing in their hearts. They drove off a second time.

After walking for a couple of hours, the day drew to a close and I met up with Lucy. Finished for the day. I was tired. Lucy said, "Joshua called." "Joshua?" I replied. rubbing my sore feet, "Who is Joshua?" He's a young man you gave a DVD to today. It then dawned on me that I never got the names of the young couple.

"Why did he call? Prayer request?"

"No" Lucy said, " he took the DVD home and watched it."

"Already? Well, what did he have to say?"

"He wanted to know if you had any other movies? He called to say they loved it!"

I'm always amazed when someone is touched by one of our presentations. I don't know what they see but I know God is at work. Here was a couple that I didn't think I had made any inroad with. I was sure they were just going to toss the DVD in the closet and forget about it.

Our acting may never get an Oscar but today we got something better...a Blessing!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Family Reunion

She was on her way to work at the hospital in Livingston when she saw a man walking against traffic blessing people with his staff as they passed him by. Lois thought to herself, "What am I supposed to do with that, Lord?" The Holy Spirit nudged her, she turned her pickup around, looked for the little guy and stopped her truck as he approached her. She singled with her outstretched index finger and mouthed "Just a minute."

Lois wasn't much bigger than I and when she spoke to me she got a little closer to my face than I generally consider comfortable. "You're blessing the oncoming traffic."

"Yes, I am" I replied.

"I don't know why but I was compelled to turn around and talk with you," she said.

I started to speak and when I opened my mouth words came out that I hadn't planned to say. "I know exactly why you came back, Lois. God wants to talk to you. He wants you to know He loves you. Your life matters. You are His daughter and He is proud of you."

Her eyes started to fill with tears. "I needed to know that." Oh, Lois, I thought, we all need to know that. We talked for a bit. I gave her a DVD of Zacchaeus asking her to make sure she would watch it with a friend. "Listen to what God is saying to you through this story." I opened my arms up and she walked into my embrace crying. She hugged me firmly and for a long time. I wondered what the passing drivers were thinking. We looked liked a couple of long lost family members being re-united...well, that's exactly what we were!

As Lois left to go to work, I wondered if she would tell any of her co-workers about her encounter this morning?....would she share with her family or keep this to herself?....would she remember this day and how God spoke to her through a little man she would never likely see again? Most of all I wondered....will she remember that God values her?

I felt my spirit smile as God whispered "She will share this day with others and each time, she will remember."

I Believe...Really?

I met a young man the other day. I’d say he was about 19 years old or so. He wanted to talk. Life just wasn’t going the way he wanted…he had gotten fired from his last job, borrowed money to take a trip, enjoyed himself but now he was in debt. He had gotten another job and just wasn’t sure about life. His father is an alcoholic and has been since as long as the boy can remember. He sounded tired and his life really hadn’t even begun yet!

The good side is that he has dreams! He has already made a decision to stay on the right side of the law. In fact, he wants to make a career working for the DEA or the Department of Justice. We talked for awhile about a wide range of subjects; God, being debt free, saving before spending (what a concept, eh?) and we talked about and prayed for his dad. No one becomes an addict without going through some serious pain. We prayed, not for his dad to quit drinking, …he might just substitute one addiction for another…we prayed that his dad would receive Jesus Christ.

When I asked my young friend if he believed in Christ, he said he did but that he didn’t go to the church....

We talked a bit about how church can be boring at times. I likened it to any school. Church is school for the spirit. Some classes are interesting and others put you to sleep. I tried to explain that he will like some of his criminal justice classes more than others but if he wanted to be the best at any career he chose, he would have to study under a master. It was no different with his spiritual studies. We talked a bit about the Bible. I always recommend the Book of James. To me it’s a short practical guide to living life.

The next day, I re-read the Book of James and as I did so, I wondered what my friend of yesterday would see in those five chapters. In James 2:19 it reads “You believe there is one God; you do well. The devils also believe and tremble.” He said he believed in God. I should have asked him what that meant. What did he believe in exactly?

I thought of all the people who tell me that they “believe” but don’t go to church; they don’t study who God says they are. If we want a good job, we go to college or trade school to study. If we want a good body, we study nutrition and exercise. Want to be a great farmer? Study agriculture. Want to be a great pharmacist? Study chemistry. Want to be a good man or woman? Study God’s Word! Find out who God says you are and through it you will find out who God is!

The next time someone tells me they believe…I’m going to ask them “What is it you believe? I don’t want to miss an opportunity to tell people about our wonderful God on the assumption they “believe.”

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Never Cold

What a winter! It's brutally cold just about everywhere. I know winter is suppose to be cold but right now it's colder in Rusk, TX than it is in Bellingham,WA....what's that about??

All the talk about cold got me to thinking about how blessed we are in America. We can plug in the electric blanket, stoke our fire place, put on our long johns and parkas. We can plow the roads, salt the highways and shovel the walks. We may mumble and mutter but our spirit pushes us forward. Storms come, temperatures drop and we move forward.

Meals on wheels are still being delivered. Blood is still being donated. The sick are still being cared for in the hospitals. Rescue missions are still taking people in and giving out blankets and vouchers. Activity may be slowed but it is not stopped! Our land may be experiencing cold but the American heart is never cold!

Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our heart because it is the wellspring of life...Heart is what the American people are all about. They rise to the occasion whether there is difficulty abroad or at home, whether it's of nature or human nastiness. Good prevails because regardless of what skeptics may say, Americans know there is a God and they guard their heart never letting cold enter in.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Lucy is currently engaged in germ warfare. She is battling symptoms with Scripture, chicken soup and rest. Which leaves me alone to ponder the universe and world peace.

The silence is unusual. Even when I'm walking I hear whizzing by, birds, my own voice...yes I talk to myself, God and anyone who stops by!

Silence brings on a variety of thoughts. Doubts creep in and whisper things like, "You haven't done much with your life." "You should be out doing something to help people right now." Mysteries speak to your soul and you ponder the vastness of God; the Power released in the blood of Jesus and your place in His grand scheme of good.

Finances knock on the door of your mind...How much is coming in?...How much is going out?...and where in the world is it going? Family troubles your thoughts...having lived longer you see the potholes in the road of cry out "Watch out! Don't go there!"... yet the young ones will not or perhaps cannot hear you.

When all these thoughts come rambling through your mind like derailed freight trains on a collision course, you begin to realize as Jehoshaphat did when he was surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy....and you pray I do not know what to do, God, but my eyes are on You. Then the silence turns to peace and you feel the Holy Spirit pour His blessings over you and you realize you are the most blessed of men.

You sit quietly savoring the moment and a voice of love breaks the silence and says "Honey, can I have a bowl of soup?"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Little Bird Told Me

Today was interesting....a gentleman who was having a garage sale gave us a bag of food and a bag of books...the campground we are staying at this weekend gifted us with two nights free.

People see the sign "3300 Miles for CHRIST" on our RV or notice the Biblical attire I wear while walking and God touches their heart. I don't understand it all but I am glad to be a part of whatever God is up to in the hearts of His people.

The shoulders of the road disappeared after about six miles of walking. Finally I came across a picnic area and called Lucy to come and park the RV. It was a beautiful place to take a break. As I waited for her, I noticed a bluebird on the limb of a rather large tree. It was beautiful and it stayed perched there for a long time. I asked it to come closer so that I could see it more clearly but it didn't move.

I heard it whisper to my spirit "Be grateful we spent this time together even at a distance." With that it hopped from branch to branch until it disappeared from my view. I thought to myself "Why is it that no matter what gift God gives us we want more?" If only I could get closer, I had thought. If I had gotten closer I would have wanted to hold the bird. I f I held the bird I would have wanted it to stay with me. Then I would have wanted to show everyone "my" bluebird.

Guide me, Lord, to be thankful for the goodness of people; the beauty of nature and the gift of liberty. I seek to be less coveting of "more" but rather grateful for all that I already possess...freedom, abundance, good health and true love.