Friday, November 27, 2009


Thanksgiving for Lucyah and I was spent at Cracker Barrel! It was a good meal and in the Thanksgiving tradition, we stuffed ourselves! We even had some leftovers to take home and when we got home...which was the RV sitting in the parking lot, we took a nap! Tradition!

No sooner did the day pass than did our thoughts turn to Christmas. The rapid transition for us was due in part to our upcoming trip to see our family. It's funny how God works things out...we had two requests to do the Innkeeper of Bethlehem in on December 6th and the other on the 7th. After our son-in-law got injured, we decided to fly into Las Vegas rather than Los Angeles, visit the family, drive to California do the two presentations and re-visit the family. That takes us off the road for nearly a week!

Shortly before Thanksgiving, some friends invited us to a conference held at the Sheraton at DFW. Bill Johnson, a pastor that we like from California, was going to speak and our good friends were going, so we said "Yes." In the middle of all this, we had some plumbing issues with the RV that needed to be tended to. We decided to see if we could get the RV into a shop and leave it there for some maintenance while we were in California.

God set up everything for us....1) We're going to the conference 2) we'll stay in the RV until Wednesday 3) Take the RV into the shop just before we go west 4) visit the family 5) do the presentations 6) pick up the RV 7) resume the walk without any additional loss of time. WOW!

I love my God!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I had crossed the road and was watching for signs of Lucyah and our motor home. It was meal time!

As cars passed by, people noticed me just standing there. Some gawked, some waved, some honked and it dawned on me that sometimes we don't have do anything...just stand our ground.

They could tell I was dressed in Biblical attire. They saw the cross around my neck. If I just took my two square feet for God, the Holy Spirit would do the rest. He would make them think, to examine themselves, to question. He would lead them to The Answer.

God tells us in 2 Chronicles 20:17 to ...."stand firm, hold your position and see the salvation of the Lord." In Galations 5:1, we 're told we are free and to stand firm. I Cor 16:13 tells us to "stand firm in the faith." When we hold our position as followers of Jesus Christ, when we acknowledge Christ by our stand, The Father will honor our obedience and bless our land and our people.

We are all called to go and share the Gospel and sometime that speaks the loudest when we simply stand firm in our values.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let's Talk About Money

He pulled on to the side of the road...."Do you need some money?" "No,I'm fine," I replied. "So you got all the money you need?" "I'm fine but I do have something for you." With that I gave Hobson a DVD of Zacchaeus. After that we had a short but pleasant time together. I liked him. He had a good could tell.

After we parted, I thought why is it that folks think people in any type of "street" ministry are broke or hurting financially? Now, Lucyah and I don't have a home, that's true. We don't have a stash of cash or a bulging retirement fund either but we have something better.

We have hope and hope is the positive expectation that God is doing something good in our life today! Now some people wonder why we turn down money offered to us. The answer is we don't always but sometimes God just puts it on our heart to say "No, thank you." It's not that we don't want the money. We just don't want folks to think that we're out here begging for money when we're really begging for them to accept God's love. Hobson insisted on giving me $20 before he left and gratefully, I took it.

God is our Provider. We know many wealthy people who do not contribute to our ministry. God hasn't touched their heart to support us. Many of them support other good ministries. They are still our friends. When someone donates to Christ's ministry through us, we know God touched their heart to do so. When we get an opportunity to speak and a love offering is taken, we know it's because the Holy Spirit touched the pastor.

Ministries, businesses, families and governments...all need money to function however, money is a by-product of loving, serving and building. God is the Source of all provision. He never leaves us, forsakes or fails us. With Him, we lack nothing!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sweet Serendipity

We ended Saturday's walk about 10 miles north of Durant, Oklahoma. Since there was no parking around we drove into town to find a church to go to attend Sunday. After settling in at Wal-Mart parking lot, we pulled out our GPS and searched for a place to worship in the morning.

We found one that appealed to us. It had fellowship at 9:00am, Sunday School at 9:30am and worship at 10:30am and it wasn't more than a half a mile away from where we were parked. The next morning we followed the GPS directions faithfully ad couldn't find the church! Grrr! Technology!

It did lead us past the First Assembly of God in Durant and so decided to go back and worship there. There was no sign outside to tell us when the service began or if they had Sunday School but people were starting to arrive and we thought we'd better park the bus.

As soon as we walked in, it felt like home. Everyone greeted us warmly and went out of their way to say hello. The music was right up our alley...oldies but goodies....Look What The Lord Has Done, I'll Fly Away, and Nothing But The Blood of Jesus. We were all praising God with energy and enthusiasm! Pastor Mike's wife Jill was preaching from the pulpit and one of her points was how God re-routes us just like our GPS does when we make a wrong turn. Boy, are we glad we were re-routed!

After service, Pastor Mike invited to do a presentation at the evening service. Now whenever God gives us opportunity we say "Yes!" but this invitation took us by such surprise. We had not done Zacchaeus in several months and rarely does a pastor ask you to preach that day. Pastor Mike said he was open to whatever the Holy Spirit wanted to do. I remembered Isaiah 41:13.

The service was at 6:00pm and the church had nearly as many people for the evening service as they did in the morning. They sang a few songs and then it was Zac time. About an hour later, it was clear that God had touched some hearts. New friends Kenneth and Dorothy invited us out for a hamburger and we spent another hour or two spending some time with them and others of the church at Braum's. When we have experiences like this...sometimes it's tough to move on and yet it's what we're called to encourage.

What a wonderful day it was! God takes wrong turns and makes them right. I use technology but I depend on Crossology!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Beautiful Daughters of God

Continued my journey south on route 69. Traffic was heavy and no one stopped for a long time and then a car passed me, stopped and then circled around in an open area and came up from behind me. A woman called me over and handed me a $20 dollar bill and to my amazement I heard myself say, "No, keep it but I have something for you." The jaws dropped on Jeannie Lee and Devon. They probably never had anyone not want their money before! In fact, Devon, a twenty-ish young woman with beautiful big eyes seemed to be in shock most of the time Jeannie and I were talking.

I asked them if they had a DVD player and when they said "Yes," I gave them a Zacchaeus DVD. They told me they were on their way to see Jeannie Lee's mama in the hospital. It was expected to be a time of passing. Jeannie asked for prayer and so I took her hand. When we finished, Jeannie squeezed my hand, closed her eyes, kissed it and pressed the $20 bill into my hand..."Please," she said. As I glanced at Devon I noticed her eyes were brimming with tears.

As I left I felt exhilarated! God had done something beautiful. Those two women were touched by His majesty and I got to play a small part. As I walked along the road I began to shout "Yahweh" and sing loudly in a cadence that reminded me of American Indian chants. It lasted for a few minutes and then I stopped. My spirit was quiet and I felt like I had entered a sacred place.

Thank You, God, for sending your beautiful daughters to touch my life. Though they may think they were blessed...allow them to see what a blessing they were to me.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Everyone knows the phrase “Stop and smell the roses.” To us that translates “Walk and love the people.” Today businesses and churches alike put an emphasis on touching as many people as they can as quickly as they can. Although this is not a bad thing, our focus is different. We seek to linger, listen and encourage people across America. To us touching someone is different than just speaking to them or hugging them. We want to give their heart a deep loving massage for Christ.

Some folks have asked us, “What’s your point?

You’ve already walked across the entire United States twice.

Well, Cal Ripken played in 2632 baseball games. Michael Jordan played in over 245 games for the Chicago Bulls. Surgeons…movie stars… politicians…athletes and architects…. No one asks them why they do what they do or why they did it the first, second, third or fifteenth time!

They do what they do because that is who they are.

I can only give God what I have…I can only be who I am. I walk and talk for Christ!

Today go and be who you are...Do what God asks of you.

And please....don’t go changing to try and please Him… He loves you just the way you are!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Day on the Road

Cameron was on his way from his dad's in Dallas to the Dakota's. He said it would have bothered for the whole drive if he didn't stop and find out what I was doing. I had to's working!

I do...what I like to call responsive evangelism. I create a situation that causes people to think and ask a question like..."What in the world is he doing?" "Why is he dressed like that" "Who is that guy?" Then all I have to do is respond! When they stop to ask, I tell them "I'm doing a 3300 mile walk for CHRIST and I get to talk to them about God. Imagine that! Talking to a stranger about God within the first few seconds of meeting them!

Even if they don't stop, the questions stimulate the car or truck or when they get home. I imagine Charley walking in the kitchen saying, "Honey, you'll never guess what I saw today?"

Some will think I am crazy. Some think I am religious. Others think I am a holy man but they all know by my attire, it has something to do with God. We want God to be back in the thought life of America. It is God who blessed our country and God who made the United States a land of free and brave people.

Everybody notices when you take a stand for your values. Clay Mitchell pulled his 18 wheeler over this afternoon. He turned off the engine, got out of the cab and started walking toward me. As I approached, he stopped, folded his arms in front of his chest and widened his stance. "My, My" I thought, "Another adventure with God."

It is my custom when I walk down the street to make the sign of the cross and bless people as they drive by. You've heard of drive by shootings...well, this is a "Drive by Blessing! Clay said that when I blessed him he felt a touch of God. He stopped to give me a gift...two small bottles of anointed anointing oil. He also gave me some country gospel songs that his wife Marsha had recorded. He told me he went to church one day and liked it so much he married the preacher!

Left McAlester, Oklahoma this morning and walked 13.9 miles and God blessed me with two new friends. Sometimes you wonder if your life makes a difference....well, these two made my day a whole lot brighter!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

People on the Road

He stopped me on the road. “Are you a prophet?” “No” I replied, “I am just a small man trying to serve a big God.” His name was (still is I suppose:) Thaddyeus Thompson, pastor of St.Mary’s Christian Church. I liked him right off. Not many pastors stop me as a rule. He gave me his card and I told him that Lucyah and I would be worshipping at his church Sunday morning. Not sure if he viewed that as a promise or a threat but he did drive off in a happy mood.

It took a little doing but we found St. Mary’s. As we were driving in, Pastor Thompson was headed out. He has a 30 minute radio program every Sunday morning before church. We got there in time to take in Sunday School at 10:00am though. Worship started at 11:00 and ran to 1:30pm…..there was some great worship. I can’t tell you the name of the songs or the tunes but the thoughts behind the words still sing in my heart. Give glory to God, you saints, give glory to God! And always remember to never forget what Jesus has done for me!

There were a couple things I liked about Pastor T’s church. The music, the straight forward preaching and when it came time to take the offering…the ushers stood at the altar and the people got out of their seats and brought their offering to the altar of the Lord! Do I hear an “Amen!”


She walked up to me as I was walking through town and put some money in my hand. She said that Jesus told her to give it to me. I am always amazed when folks do that…not because of the money. God always provides for us in some amazing way but because of their obedience.

Angela was a young woman in her twenties. She told me that she wanted more of God than just an hour on Sunday morning. For the last three years, she was working on a more intimate relationship with her Savior. When she saw a little guy dressed up like some guy in the Bible walking down the main street of her town, instead of getting away from the crazy little dude, she obeys an impulse that says, talk to him; sow some seed into his work.

When I asked her if I could pray for her, she said she’d like a prayer for her mother. I inquired if the need was for something physical. She looked down and slowly shook her head. “My mother is lost” she replied. After we prayed and Angela wiped away a solitary tear, we talked. She was so young and yet so sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit; wise beyond her years. How blessed am I to walk the back roads of America and find God’s children disguised as ordinary people.

Friday, November 13, 2009

New People Group Discovered!

In the Old Testament, we've read of the Amalekites, Moabites and the Midianites. Many of these cultures were wicked and worshiped lifeless idols carved of wood, stone, bronze or gold. History has volumes on various societies and their belief structure.

Yet today there exists a people who no one seems to categorize. In fact, I did not know that my own heritage was intertwined with theirs until I spoke with Rev. Cork Walden from Shiatook, OK. Even though these people go about feeding and clothing people who are in need, giving medicine to the sick and shelter to the homeless, their deeds are seldom reported. In fact their beliefs are often made fun of. They are a people of love, joy and positive influence. These are of a culture that societies across the globe either ignore or persecute and yet today their population is greater than at any time in history.

These are the followers of Jesus Christ; they are the Favor-ites. They do not profess to be better than anyone else nor do they suggest that God loves them more than any other. While other religions and belief systems believe in luck which always runs out, the Favor-ites live in a state of blessing and favor that never ends. Unlike tribes of old, you don't need to be born of a certain lineage or in a particular locale to be a Favor-ite. A Favor-ite simply embraces the Christ that embraces.

I invite you to investigate this new people group. It's time for your life to be filled with blessing and favor. Let God wrap His arms around you and become His Favor-ite.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The body is capable of tremendous feats of strength. It can be pushed to extremes of hot and cold; stress and strain and...through it all, it grows stronger.

Life can be good; full of opportunities, adventure and beauty...and in a moment, it can all change.

People are a paradox; strong like steel and yet fragile as a flower.

My son-in-law lies in a hospital heavily medicated with a badly broken back and a ventilator helping him breathe. The family's feelings range from anxiety to fear to confusion. All of us are thankful. Thankful that Alex is still alive; thankful that we'are not the ones in the hospital. As we move our hands at will, turn our head from side to side and walk across the room, we are grateful to God. It could have been us. Life is so fragile. It can change in a moment.

There's good news in that thought "It can change in a moment." If your situation is not very good, know that with Christ it change in a moment for the better. Talk with Him. Seek His counsel. Listen to His guidance and do what He says and no storm can prevail against you.

If your circumstances are can see and hear and think and feel and have love in your grateful to God for what you have. Use your arms to hug someone you love. Speak a blessing into your child's life. Take a walk with your spouse. Be very grateful... life is fragile ... it can change a moment.