Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh, Deer!

It was early Monday morning and we were traveling back from Kimberling City, MO and needed to be in Lee's Summit to speak at a Christian school at 8:30am and we would have made it too...if it hadn't been for Olive.

You don't hear much about Olive this time of year. Rudolph usually gets all the attention. Perhaps that's why she did it. She just needed the recognition.

I had just settled in for my winter's nap and Lucy was behind the wheel of our van when Olive and her two friends leaped out of the woods with malice aforethought and crashed into our van with a thundering BAM!

I'm sad to report she did not survive. May she rest in peace...not Olive...the van!

So you better watch out.

This Christmas...yes ...yes... you can sing to Rudolph

But watch out for .....Olive the other reindeer!

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