Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just After The Holiday...We Hear The Word

Here in Kansas City it made the headlines. They treated it like it was news. "It's official," it read, "we're in RECESSION!"

Now tell me what possible good that that piece of information did for us? It's not something we didn't know, so it's not educational. It didn't inspire us to be a better nation of people, so it's not motivational. It didn't improve our physical or mental health, so it's not medicinal. All it did was promote fear and that's just evil.

Now I'm not one for sticking my head in the sand when things start going bad. Denial never helps any situation but promoting negativity and fear is certainly not the answer!

Here's a suggestion: let's you and I begin to market and promote HOPE. Now that's a four letter word you can shout from the rooftops and never offend a soul regardless of their race, creed, culture, age, gender, ethnic or economical background.

What is HOPE you ask? Well the best definition I have ever heard is:

HOPE is the confident expectation that something good is about to happen

Now you and I will never change the media and the way it views the world or what it spews forth on television and in the newspapers BUT (Behold Underlying Truth) together we can offer HOPE.

Let's begin to expect good things to happen. Let's encourage others that for every valley of darkness, there is also a mountaintop of light.

Let's watch our language and speak the things we want, not the things we fear. In Proverbs 18:21 Solomon wrote that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I think old Solly had the right idea. Let's give it a try.

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