Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Because of the RV

A few days ago, Lucy & I had the pleasure of reconnecting with our good friend Paul Davis. Paul is one of those mystical, magical guys who understands computers and technology. He is also a staunch defender of the Christian Faith; an Apologist. Besides strongly encouraging Lucy & I to blog daily (he actually threatened us!), he also gave us an interesting perspective on our old RV. I believe he called it one of God’s tools.

Sometimes an item, vehicle, person or circumstance is introduced into your life and the result is anxiety, aggravation or frustration. Often times we too quickly brand it “bad.” These “additions” sometimes cause us to do things we’d rather not do or experience things we’d rather not encounter or meet people we ordinarily wouldn’t meet. There are many times, we travel roads we would not have traveled had “something” not happened. God always…yes, I said always…uses these happenings to teach us something. The question, of course, is do we learn? Sometimes, yes…sometimes, no.

Our good friends Al & Gloriah gave us the original RV. They are wonderful people with great hearts and had no idea the vehicle was going to have as many problems as it did. Instead of feeling bad in any way, we hope they feel honored. God used their generosity to bless people as we hiccuped along the road.

Because of the RV, our rapid rate of travel and mechanical mishaps, we met exactly who God wanted us to meet at exactly where and when He wanted us to meet them. Because of the RV, they blessed us with their stories. Because of the RV, we got a chance to pray for and with people (including 13 Kansas policemen in 17 days!) Because of the RV, people got to use their gifts to replace, repair and upgrade. Because of the RV, you and I saw...the beating heart of Body of Christ!

Just like the Hebrews muttered after Moses led them out of Egypt, I moaned and groaned about the Yellow Submarine a bit…okay, a lot! Because of the RV, I got to look back and remember. God has taken me across a lot of desert. He has pulled me through many a valley. My sins are forgiven. My health is restored. He supplies all my needs AND.... satisfies my desires with good things…after all I'm married to Lucy!


Theosapien said...

AWESOME TESTIMONY OF HOW GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! Thanks for reminding me. :-) I had a dream about driving a car in the fog. The fog got so thick I couldn't see a car length in front of me and the fog lights really didn't help either. I woke up wondering what it meant. So I asked Holy Spirit, what does this mean?
"If you are on the right road headed in the right direction, you will end up at the right destination...even if you can't see 10 feet in front of you."
These 3 verses came to mind:
1. Psalm 23, He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
2. Proverbs 3.6 In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.
3. Philemon 6 your faith will become effectual as you acknowledge every good thing you have in Christ Jesus. are following Jesus, acknowledging all the good He is in you, and trusting in Him to get you there at His Pace. Glory on you!

Delaina said...

Well said.
(just found out about you guys via the ApologetiX newsletter)