Friday, November 13, 2009

New People Group Discovered!

In the Old Testament, we've read of the Amalekites, Moabites and the Midianites. Many of these cultures were wicked and worshiped lifeless idols carved of wood, stone, bronze or gold. History has volumes on various societies and their belief structure.

Yet today there exists a people who no one seems to categorize. In fact, I did not know that my own heritage was intertwined with theirs until I spoke with Rev. Cork Walden from Shiatook, OK. Even though these people go about feeding and clothing people who are in need, giving medicine to the sick and shelter to the homeless, their deeds are seldom reported. In fact their beliefs are often made fun of. They are a people of love, joy and positive influence. These are of a culture that societies across the globe either ignore or persecute and yet today their population is greater than at any time in history.

These are the followers of Jesus Christ; they are the Favor-ites. They do not profess to be better than anyone else nor do they suggest that God loves them more than any other. While other religions and belief systems believe in luck which always runs out, the Favor-ites live in a state of blessing and favor that never ends. Unlike tribes of old, you don't need to be born of a certain lineage or in a particular locale to be a Favor-ite. A Favor-ite simply embraces the Christ that embraces.

I invite you to investigate this new people group. It's time for your life to be filled with blessing and favor. Let God wrap His arms around you and become His Favor-ite.


Tig said...

What a beautiful perspective, I really enjoyed this post! :)

Chris "can't miss" D. said...

Favor-ite! I think i found my next tattoo =)