She stopped. We chatted. Then Tan called her friend Lisa who was a photographer for the local TV station. Lisa came looking for us but we had stopped for lunch at a place Tan suggested.
Now Sally is a columnist for lives in Hartwell, Georgia but writes for a South Carolina newspaper. She was going to Jim's Grill for lunch when she met Lisa, camera in hand on the street. "Whatcha up to, Lisa?" "Looking for a little guy doing a walk for Christ," Lisa replied.
At this point Sally comes in to Jim's, sees me and says "Are you the guy walking for Christ?" "That'd be me," I replied. "Well, there's a lady with a camera looking for you outside." "Tell her to come on in." The next thing we know, we're sitting with these two ladies and answering questions in between bites of lunch. That Saturday we walked through Anderson, South Carolina and the
Anderson Independent did a nice story on us and that began the next flow of blessings
(as it turned out all the TV slots were booked so we missed our chance for a "reality" show).
We learned that the article was reprinted in other small town publications over the next three to four days. Then Margaret stopped and she was excited! She told me to be careful since there was a psychiatric unit nearby...we laughed together and she asked where we headed. I told her our tentative route for the rest of the week, bid her good-bye and went on my way. I hadn't gone too far when I looked across the street to see a lady waving hello.

I crossed over and met
Patti Hedgepath Lusk. Margaret had called her. She said she worked at the Neal Creek Baptist Church and invited me in. I told her to go on in and I would call Lucy & then wait for her. As Lucy pulled the RV onto the parking lot, Eric & Robert pulled up. They were carpet layers on their way to work when they spotted me. We had a great time talking, laughing and enjoying Robert brag on his two year son Robert Christopher Sherman!
We finally got into Patti's office and found out she was "volunteered" into doing an article on us for their local paper. We also found out she is a musician, author
(new book just out!....entitled God's Order) and songwriter! After spending over an hour together, we decided to let get back to work and we headed out to the RV for a nap. A few hours later, Patti brought her husband Scott and her mom Jean over to meet with us. We spent another hour or so huddled in the RV and Patti asked us if we would come and do a Zacchaeus presentation at her church Wednesday evening.
Well, we're always delighted to tell a story but we never anticipated the response from this small country church! Pastor Don Harper stood up when we were done and he asked for a love offering but he included a request. He asked that those who were blessed by Zacchaeus would also give us their name, address and telephone number and he did the same. He looked at me and said,
"If you ever get in trouble, no matter where you are...call us! We'll come and get you!" He went on to tell us how they wanted to count us as
their missionaries to America. We were stunned, amazed and tearful. When the collection was taken up, we had a generous offering and a stack of names, addresses and phone numbers! They also filled the RV with water and hooked us up to electric for the night!
The blessings didn't end there! Patti gave us a number of a newspaper reporter in Lauren with instructions to call

her when we got into town. As I walked into town, the first spot I saw for Lucy to park was in front of
Lauren Middle School. As soon as the RV pulled up, the principal came out and I thought "Uh,oh....we're in trouble."
(Funny how the sight of a principal at any age causes your pulse to race.) Dr. Harris had read the sign on the RV and came out to see what we were all about. We chatted for a few minutes and I gave him a Zacchaeus DVD. While this was going on, Lucy called Judith Brown with
The Advertiser. As they were talking, I was changing into my 21st century clothes and there was a knock at the door. It was Dr.Harris. He wanted to know if we'd like to have lunch with him at the school. We said, Sure" and asked if we could bring a friend and he said, "Of course."
Judith is a person you like instantly! No pretense and no nonsense. We talked and laughed over a plate of catfish and vegetables and Judith took pictures of us with Dr. Harris and the entire kitchen staff. After lunch, she spent another hour or so visiting with us in the RV and then we re-met her at a local coffee shop about an hour later. In between Judith and the coffee shop, we visited our friend Patti's sister Colleen who lives in Lauren.
The next morning as I'm out walking, I see a car drop off a person about fifty yards in front of me. There's a camera dangling and despite the bright sun, I see the now familiar form of our friend Judith. Someone had called her at 8:00am to give her a "news tip" about a strange little guy. Unbeknownst to us I was walking very close to her home. As we walked along she took more pictures until a car stopped. Out walked Mark who was on his way to a "Warrior Run" in Atlanta. He was tattooed, dressed in a kilt with a large Batman buckle and had pieces of bone tied to his beard. He said he had to stop because "you look as interesting as me!" Hmmmm....was that a compliment? I don't know but it made me smile!
A few minutes later, Judith's husband James, stops by while she is clicking away at these two very unusual looking men. After our friend, the warrior, left...James & Judith invited us back to their home for coffee. It was an enjoyable morning as we sat around the kitchen table and talked like we knew each other for years. We liked them so it was an automatic "yes!" when they asked us to join them at church on Sunday.
Their church embraced us and we enjoyed a wonderful meal with their worship leader Marsha, Pastor Herb and others....one person makes a phone call and we are overwhelmed with blessings!...and to think it all started with a good Tan!