We drove to Gaffney after walking on Saturday. We had told our friend Arnold of that we would come hear The Riverside Boys (Gospel Music ...Southern Style...864-545-6734) on Sunday morning. We had overnight-ed at Wal-Mart so we only had to drive 11 miles in the morning and we gave ourselves forty-five minutes to get there so we felt confident that we'd make it in time for 9:15am Sunday School. The address of the "Save More; Live Better" giant listed in their Atlas was an old address and so our directions took us north instead of south. Grrrrr!

Now I hate being late. I really hate missing Sunday School because each Sunday is an opportunity to hear a teacher that we may never get a chance to learn from again. There's great wisdom in many of these Sunday School classes. They haven't written a book or been interviewed on Oprah but they know how to live the Word of God and I enjoy learning from them. So when we arrived at 9:30am, I was muttering! Then I noticed...no cars! The sign said Sunday School was set to begin at 10:00am. They forgot to update their web site...bless their hearts! My mumbling slowly turned to thanks as God told me one more time to rest in Him.
This morning was a special day. There would be Sunday School, worship service, a traditional potluck lunch and then our guys...The Riverside Boys! They sang about four or five songs and then took some of their "stage" time and asked us to come speak to the church. As they introduced us, they encouraged folks to contribute to our journey as they were able. We were stunned! These guys gave us some of their time and now some of "their money"...they don't have an ounce of selfishness in them!
After the service we were approached by a woman from another church and we went on to speak at her church that evening. God allowed us to be blessed and be a blessing! How fortunate we are to work for our God!
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