Friday, May 7, 2010

A Couple of Things

It was about 7:30am Eastern time, the road didn't have much shoulder and the traffic was loud as it whizzed by. I barely heard the phone ring. My son Frank who works in Las Vegas was calling before he went to work. In an effort to hear him, I stepped away from the traffic, turned my back to the speeding cars and faced the trees that lined the road.

After about ten minutes, the flashing blue lights of a police car pulled up in from of me and my conversation was interrupted. The officer called out to me "You alright, sir?" I assured him I was and he said "We got a call that you were standing staring into the woods." I started to laugh. The officer smiled and said, "We just get the calls and I follow them where they take me." I explained that I was doing a walk for Christ, had gotten a call from my son and gave him a Zacchaeus DVD. I asked if there was anything I could pray about for him. He didn't hesitate ..."Safety."

This brief moment reminded me of a couple things....

1) People care. Someone saw me and was concerned and did something. Don't be afraid to take action. Better to care and be mistaken than to be apathetic and be regretful.

2) Police do more than chase down bad guys; they serve and protect us. We need to pray for safety for them and peace for the hearts of their families.

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