After spending five days, not walking....two days at the repair shop and three days waiting for things to dry was great to get out and get re-started on this 3300 mile walk for Christ.
We had some issues with our water pump, conveniently located under our bed on, and surrounded by, carpet. Carpet in an RV is put there I believe strictly as a selling tool. Other than that, I don't see it's usefulness plus you need to carry a vacuum to clean it!
After the carpet and underlying padding gone soaked twice, we had to deal with the odor. We stopped at Lowe's and got the latest and greatest "anti-mold" treatments. God blessed us with good weather and a steady breeze so we left the RV windows and overhead vents open to air out our 29 foot tin can. Even after three days in a motel the moldy, wet carpet smell lingered.
We tried to sleep in it the RV one night and we both got sick.We decided to tear the carpet and padding out, treat the underlying wood frame with bleach and go to a movie while that smell faded!
Finally we can breathe again and I managed to walk 11.7 miles today...should be in South Carolina by this weekend.
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