Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not My Candidate But...He's My President!

The election of the 44th president of the United States is finally past and my guy lost!

Now I sit, as do over 55 million voters who supported John McCain, with a decision to make. Do we whine, complain and argue for the next four years or do we support our president-elect Barack Obama and get this country back on its feet?

Paul reminds us in Titus 3:1 to be subject to our rulers and authorities, to be obedient and to be ready to do whatever is good. We don't have to jettison our values, we can continue to stand for adoption and life and work to see that marriage is defined as a spiritual and civil union between a man and a woman. We are not, however, to rebel for rebellion sake.

It is our duty as citizens of America and as children of God to support our newly elected leaders as best we can and do good when we can. If your blood pressure is still too high because of post electionitis to actively support them right now, then quietly pray for them and for their families.

As we try our best to work with them, to listen to them, to understand them...we become a light and they begin to see our point of view and a bridge is built and unity is established.

We had a choice at the polls. We have a choice now...unity or discord, Gods' love at work or ugly divisiveness. There's only one road to travel for Americans...the high road! In God We Trust, United We Stand!

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