Saturday, June 26, 2010

Generating Friendships

Not too long ago we had to replace our generator. It was a costly repair but a necessary one as the heat index (a combination of air temperature and humidity) has been a real challenge. We need the generator to power our air conditioning for the six days each week we are not at a campground. Normally the oil is changed at every 150 hours of operation but the mechanic who installed our unit said to change the oil at the first 50 hour mark since we were breaking in a new unit.

My dad was a tool and die maker by trade and a perfectionist by personality. He was a good man and a loving father but when it came to mechanical things I just couldn't seem to do very well to suit him. Even after all these years, I just dread mechanical "stuff"... even something as un-challenging as changing the oil. It's always been easier to pay to have it done than have to fight my own lack of confidence and besides, I hate getting my hands messy.

I knew this day was coming. Sooner or later, you have to face the fear of whatever it is that is limiting you. I bought the oil and an oil pan, grabbed a rag and piece of plastic to lie on and slid underneath the generator. I couldn't see a thing and so I had to get out from under and go get my glasses. "Oh, this isn't starting well," I thought. I got back into position, tools by my side when I noticed that the screws holding the cover over the oil plug were neither Flatheads or Phillips. They looked like five pointed stars. "What the heck is this?" I thought.

I could hear the evil one whispering once again, "You don't know what you're doing." Then I heard another voice, "Need some help?" Instead of feeling grateful, I felt embarrassed. Here's a guy who is going to think I'm an idiot because I can't do a simple thing like change the oil. "Don't think I have the right tool. These screws look like they need a star fitting," I said, not peering out from underneath the beast. He walked away, came back, stooped down and handed me a star shaped metric thing. Don't know if you would call it a wrench or a screwdriver but whatever it fit!

Once I got the screws off the cover, I had to deal with nut that fastened the oil plug to the generator. I had a wrench to fit but the nut was in a recess and so I needed a rachet to give me the leverage to loosen the nut. My friend had that tool as well. As the oil drained in the pan, I slipped out from underneath and met my new friend ...Jon Van Hall Sr. He gave me a big smile, extended his hand and said, "Just call me Barefoot." I shook his hand, thanked him for his help, looked down and sure enough He wasn't wearing any shoes! In fact, Barefoot hasn't worn a pair of shoes since November 27, 1989! He literally stands on Acts 7:33.

We talked a bit about walking for Christ and then he said, "Would you like to see my walking staff?" No sooner had I said, "You bet" than did he hop into his van, smile, wave and said "I'll be right back." Lucy had been doing the laundry and so I helped her get things out of the dryer while we waited for our friend's return. No sooner did we finish our duties than did Barefoot return dressed in a white robe, with a red stole about his neck adorned with medals from his service in Viet Nam and his staff in hand.

I noticed that there were marks along the side of the staff. He said he puts a notch in for every year he walks barefoot. Barefoot prayed with and for Lucyah and I and then he asked us to put our mark on his staff. He handed me a small penknife and as I carefully carved N + L into the wood, I could feel God etch Barefoot into our heart. We invited him to have breakfast with us but he said he had to go to work. Before he left, he insisted we keep the tools he had let us use.

We had finished breakfast and we sat silently sipping our coffee; both of us stunned by God's goodness. I needed someone to hold my hand as I faced a childhood fear; someone who would not judge me nor do it for me but just help me. God had sent His Barefoot Prophet and we sat there feeling incredibly blessed but....

Our new friend wasn't through with us yet. He walked into the restaurant with a gift covered in a cloth. It was a framed article about him and God's call on his life. It appeared in the February 3, 1993 edition of the Mt Airy News. It will be the first thing we place on the wall of our home...when we get a home!

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