Thursday, October 15, 2009

God Likes You A Lot!

It doesn’t matter how you and I got into debt; our own choices or life’s circumstances. The bottom line is that we’re still in debt and God doesn’t want us there! Scripture tells us that we should owe no debt except for the debt of love. (Romans 13:8)

Recently Breath of Christ Ministries and Nick & Lucy became debt-free! I’d like to tell you that it was because we are such great money managers. I’d like to tell you that but I can’t. It was all God.

In December of 2008 we were debt free and by May of 2009 we were stuck $40,000.00! Accident, illness, RV repairs all played a part. The details of our debt are not important but the details of our deliverance is, because often we think God doesn’t care about the details of our lives.

Lucy turned fifty in March and believed with her childlike faith it was her year of Jubilee and God would forgive our debt. I asked God to help my unbelief. I’m a number’s guy and I didn’t see any way out. In June, the hospital discounted the amount we owed them from $22,200.00 to $2,200.00! Twenty grand wiped off our bill! Lucy was beside her self with joy; laughing, crying and praising God. I was stunned. Despite her happiness, we still had a lot of red ink to deal with and the world was crying recession.

God whispered to me “There is no recession in My Kingdom.” I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to invest in two specific stocks. They were in the worse segment of the economy; automobiles and housing! Yikes! Over the course of the next several months, I invested in Ford and Fannie Mae…and prayed. During all this time, we continued to pay down our bills to the best of ability.

October came and God nudged me to sell. I didn’t want to. Stocks were going up. If I held them for another month or two, we might have a very Merry Christmas. God said “Sell.” I said, “But God…” He said “Sell.” “But” “Sell!” We still owed $11,000.00 and I sold the stocks and received…want to take a guess?....$11,000.00. Now I’m telling you this story for two reasons.

One…God has no favorites. What He does for us He will do for you. Do your best to pay off your debt (go ye and buy only with cash incurring no more debt), ask God to help you and expect Him to act on your behalf. God is real and He likes you a lot.

Two…God worked in our lives in a way that Lucy could understand. She simply stood on His Word and believed. God also worked in a way that I could understand…investing and numbers. We are different people with different personalities and comprehensions and yet He took the time to speak to us in a way we could each understand.

Christ came to set the captives free;

from darkness,

from destruction,

from death and

…..from debt!

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