Wednesday, October 28, 2009

No Debt....for... Nobody!

Got a piece in the mail yesterday from Capital One credit card and it really bothered me.

They wanted Breath of Christ Ministries to design a credit card with our logo and our image and encourage our friends and family to use it. In exchange, the ministry would earn 1% of supporters' purchases. So if you spent $1000.00 using your credit card, we would get $10.00 and you would get in debt!

The big advantages touted were:

1) our cause is displayed every time they use their card
2) gave people a creative way to support us
3) could support us without an extra dime coming out of your pocket.

Lucyah and I want you to stop using credit cards!

We do not want to profit from your use of credit cards in any way! The advertisement and lopsided reasoning may sound good to some...but life happens! You may tell yourself you are going to pay the balance at the end of the month but... when you don't make the entire payment and interest is charged and a liability is created.

If you can't afford to pay cash for an item, don't buy it. Think about whether you need it or not ...If you aren't able to donate to us at this time, don't send us anything! Get your family's finances in order first.... Need help with getting keeping your money in your pocket check here.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another....Romans 13:8

1 comment:

tepoyglobal said...

thanks for the post i really need to know this. its very informative and very helpful.